eyeballll wrote:
That QB looks amazing, shouldn't be chucking picks... Even his scramble is maxed... The only thing I would suggest is to look at the plays you're using. I was throwing too many picks, and when I analyzed my plays I noticed that I had a few passes with multiple picks, so I took them out. I doesn't matter how good the average yardage is if the other is catching it half the time...
TL/DR: QB logic is flawed in v.0.4.
What I think is going on here, and recent code changes suggest that I'm right, is that more accurate QBs will throw more interceptions. Here's why I think why:
1) More accurate QBs put the ball in the window where it's more likely to be intercepted
2) QBs in v.0.4 make one read at a time
3) QBs usually only make one read per passing play
4) QBs don't dump off or throw hot reads enough in v.0.4
So we can ignore #4 for now. Because of #3 QBs are more likely to throw into double or triple coverage. Because of #2, #3 happens much more frequently than is ever really logical. And because of #1, almost every pass becomes a contested throw because of #2 and #3.
Everyone clear on that?