Probably too much to ask for, but I'll never know unless I ask...
Is there a way to sort by a primary and secondary key? When I'm looking for an offensive lineman, I get a lot of K, P, and some other guys who I really don't care about. I'd love to be able to sort by the offensive line position first, then only guys over 280# or something, which would give me guys that I can actually use at the position :)
If not, no big deal... just thought I'd ask.
Late thought... maybe you can define the parameters of positions more... by weight... so this won't be necessary. So a search for WR won't show any 250#+ guys, Offensive linemen won't show under 275#, LBs are between 225 and 275... stuff like that. There may be some crossover, but well over 90% of the results will fit into the proper position you are looking at.