In a league I am in, I had the ball on my opponent's 1 yard line on first down with a 6-0 lead with 1:21 left in the half when my team lines up in Shotgun 5 Wide Parallel Slants, a short pass, while having running designated heavily favored (outside 25, inside 55, short pass 20, 0 medium/long) in the situation as according to the game plan. I had available multiple run heavy geared offenses (2RB/3TE, 2RB/2TE/1WR, 3RB/2TE) with adequate amount of plays weighted towards each offense scheme. checked my rules and have nothing. I checked my Misc thinking the Hurry-up could some how affect it, but the HU slider is only for the 4th quarter. So how did this happen and how can I prevent it from happening again? Or is this just another "Ooops, AI screwjob again"
Last edited at 8/03/2017 8:57 am