mardn72 wrote:
raymattison21 wrote:
Once a team is abandoned all settings are supposed to be put back to AI settings.
I’ve heard that said, but I don’t feel like that’s always the case. At least for selected plays.
I cannot verify much, but when I dropped my elite league team it had a very different /specific offense and defense gameplan along with plays/depth chart that fit that plan and when I picked them back up again( 14 games later and no new owners) everything was different . Though I do not remember how full the playbook was as I quickly installed another plan.
As for selected plays, I notice that they are not always caring over completely if gamemplans are changed within a singular team or from league to league . I chalked that up to different coaches .
The main reason things are reset is because upon the implementation of the abandon team button a user could pick up a team change the plan and bail. There would be little record of this ( due to the tracking of team onwers) and with the potential for "rigging" games one way or another could always be looming .