Gustoon wrote:
I also hate with a passion the International series as well and feel for the season ticket holders, and as for wanting a franchise in London? Go on Roger, do it it will be your death knell.
Definitely agree with you on this one. That and the drive to put a team in LA. I think it was 1994 when both the Rams and the Raiders moved out of LA, and while I know that's been 20 years, I seem to recall that the reason they moved is because no one in LA
cared that they had a football team. And now it sounds likely that two teams will move back to the LA market. They seem to want to move there because it is such a huge TV market, but if no one there cares you aren't going to have any better viewership than you do in a smaller market like San Diego, Oakland, or St. Louis. I don't know, I do fear like you, Gus, that Godell will be the death of the NFL with the things he's doing.