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Main - General MFN Discussion

Re: Playing fair and ethically

8/02/2016 6:25 pm
This is how I think the commissioner of a league could work. The GM would have to have a minimum number of seasons playing MFN and a minimum playing in the league he would apply for. Those wanting to apply for the position would write a statement as to what he brings to the table. Then he is voted in by the other GM’S for say a period of 2 years then hold another election. I think that this would give somewhat of a sense of ownership of the league and stewardship of the league by the GM’S of the league.

Re: Playing fair and ethically

By Brrexkl
8/02/2016 6:26 pm


Um, actually you're capped at 3 completed trades per season with one team if I remember correctly. That number isn't really important to the topic at hand though. [/quote]

Basically what I'm saying is... if we are going to have a Conversation about Playing Fair and Ethically... shouldn't we have a Fair and Ethical Conversation?

He could Post the Trades he's citing... especially since the amount of Trades over the span of time he offered don't match up.

He's giving anecdotal evidence while stating clear cases exist. Why not just present (accurately) the clear cases?

If you and I were having a discussion and my 'facts' were badly misrepresented, you wouldn't accept my premise would you?

I'm not saying there isn't an issue, I'm saying that the perspective of certain things (Weights differ drastically from Owner to Owner, Stats shouldn't reflect the NFL because MFN and the NFL are completely different, etc.) needs to be considered.

So when he states Unrealistic Stats... Unrealistic in comparison to what? The NFL? Of course the NFL and MFN are going to have wildly different Stats. League by League the MFN has wildly different Stats.

And when discussing Trade Inequality and Quantity... presenting realistic Quantities would be nice. And even better Linking the Trades in question.

So one Team sent High Picks for Players. Were they Good Players, and the Coach failed to get the most of them? Maybe he Game Plans poorly. You could give him the Pro Bowl Team and he'd sink it. Is that a Bad Trade? Or is that a Good GM/Bad Coach making a **** of a Trade but being ineffective in using the Talent he Acquired?

Just because 2 Teams had 4-6 Trades over 2 Seasons, and one Team Won while the other Lost, doesn't mean the Trades were bad. Especially since the Team LOSING PLAYERS was Winning... despite bringing in a slew of Rookies and presumably shipping out Vets for those Picks.

Some more Context would be nice here.

Re: Playing fair and ethically

By GrandadB
8/02/2016 9:45 pm
Being new, I may have stated it wrong about 9 trades in 2 seasons between the same 2 teams as I am aware of the 3 trade ca. Specifically the trades occured btw Chicago & New Orleans. a total of nine players from Chicago to NO for draft choices. Chicago has won the league 3 straight, has 24 players on the roster with an overall rating over 90, and 9 players over 83. Compared to what would be considered the average for all the teams in all the leagues and based on what I have seen so far, the number of high rated, "blue chip" type, high draft pick players is overwhelming. Hope that helps clear up what I was saying about the "example".

Re: Playing fair and ethically

By King of Bling
8/02/2016 10:22 pm
Chi holds a N.O. 2nd and a 3rd round pick. Those picks are three years from now! For that matter, their current record is irrelevant. No one knows N.O's record 3yrs from now and good or bad, it is a fair trade in today's market.

NO on the other hand holds many upcoming high draft picks. 6 picks in the first 3 rounds next season. According to your logic, shame on them?

We have a league commissioner who developed the game, continues to refine it, etc. The same rules are in place for all teams. We all have the same obligation to play within the rules of the game and do what we can in that respect to put the best product on the field possible.

Some pretty strong statements from someone supposedly brand new to the game in the OP and several times thereafter. Some owners make dumb trades, I've seen them in every league and I've made a few myself. Like the NFL, some teams perform better than others but we are looking to handicap teams here for what reason? Because you don't like their trades?

Homogenized rosters of identical players and ratings is true fairness so to speak. How stupid would that be? We all have the same opportunities to compete, perhaps spend your energy to get better, rather than complain.
Last edited at 8/02/2016 10:27 pm

Re: Playing fair and ethically

By Brrexkl
8/02/2016 10:33 pm
GrandadB wrote:
Being new, I may have stated it wrong about 9 trades in 2 seasons between the same 2 teams as I am aware of the 3 trade ca. Specifically the trades occured btw Chicago & New Orleans. a total of nine players from Chicago to NO for draft choices. Chicago has won the league 3 straight, has 24 players on the roster with an overall rating over 90, and 9 players over 83. Compared to what would be considered the average for all the teams in all the leagues and based on what I have seen so far, the number of high rated, "blue chip" type, high draft pick players is overwhelming. Hope that helps clear up what I was saying about the "example".

Okay, but what specifically about the Trade was wrong?

Chicago gave 9 Players to New Orleans... Chicago is LOADED with Talent, New Orleans wanted Talent now.

Who where the 9 Players that Chicago shipped off, and what were their Values?

Nothing you've said makes this a 'Bad Trade', it just makes New Orleans a team looking to get 9 Players out of X amount of Picks and not have to wait on them to mature. It also makes Chicago a team full of talent that is pushing their Window open longer by selling off Excess Talent for Picks.

Neither of these is a bad thing.

I'm failing to see the point in your specific example... Chicago is building like a Play Off Team SHOULD build, and New Orleans is trying to improve their Quality faster so they can become a Play Off Team like Chicago.

See what I'm saying?

Re: Playing fair and ethically

By raymattison21
8/03/2016 12:48 pm
Still lingering is ability to resign players cheap. Acting as a support in leaving cap room for a stock plie/ revolving door of old for young talent for experienced owners gaining most.....most of the time.

You can't blame a guy like bling. He is helping the game by successfully executing something the AI cannot simulate. Hence, finding a areas of the game that could be worked on.

Here the fix was to raise contracts in general( I think). As this change can only be felt as the contractual parts par take. Which could be six seasons , in theory, if a team had just set them right before the change.

Bling has played this way longer than I have played this game. So, to call anything unethical is tough. As, I have seen gameplans reset, or rosters reset before in ludicrous efforts to tank.

Efforts are rigously approached to ensure fair game play. For tanking, one thing was to make the potential draftees visable much later in the season.

I want to see a guy like Russell Wilson who was resigned 20 times his drafted contract. Simulate that and this revolving door will be much less effective. Still, the current measures are being seen much more clear with time.

So, something is being done, but being new I would say roster strength / depth is only a little stronger in game engine effectiveness when compared to the gameplan section. The current measures will level that imbalance slowly, and routine changes are refining many aspects of the game.

Re: Playing fair and ethically

By CooterBrown
8/03/2016 10:30 pm
Well, this topic has kinda crossed over into multiple threads. One or two things to maybe also consider...

The long term/short term goals of the owner/franchise. Sometimes an owner might have a "win now and right now" approach. Others may settle into a grow and build mode like a 5-year plan. I lean more towards the latter but wouldn't say either way was right or wrong or even somewhere between the 2 ends of the spectrum. It is just we are all a little different and our personalities are reflected a bit in the teams and how we use the tools and blocks to format them.

The background of the newer owners. I would also imagine what background someone walking into a league is important and I can't speak to what that may be. Has the player ever actually "played" the game of football in some way? Is their knowledge limited to what Bradshaw or Irvin or Lewis tell them on TV on Sundays? ( boy I feel sorry for them if that is the case,LOL). Are the a young teenager or a retiree? Maybe they haven't even grown up in the States and totally new to the game - seen a couple of these guys- and while they make me giggle sometimes, I do like their honest interest in learning the game, which I am sure they would think of me trying to grasp say cricket or soccer or sumo wrestling. Or has a guy been standing on a sidelines for decades coaching,teaching,learning this funny game of pigskin!

And could be lots of factors why crazy trades to you or me or someone get done or offered. I guess sometimes it is like playing poker. We can sometimes agree or disagree on what we think is a good hand or was played well and all. All I ask is that when you get up and leave the table, please make sure all ya'll leave your chips stacked up in front of my seat at the table! CHUCKLES. I just never want you to feel like Cooter had do you raw to get 'em. Heck, I dunno... call it skill, fate, karma, luck (good or bad), talent, whatever. I just love the thrill of the game and the art of the trade, but I don't ever try and screw everyone and anyone just to win.

Just food for thought.

Re: Playing fair and ethically

By CooterBrown
8/03/2016 10:46 pm
Oh, and just kinda as a guideline. I try to shy away from doing blockbuster multiple player / multiple high draft pick deals with some of you guys that have won league championships year after year after year. Or even with teams say in my own division. Is just bad mojo. These are the guys you are trying to beat or catch. Not being a jerkoff, but somewhere that isn't in the best self interest. Either getting into the playoffs or winning the whole ball of wax! Or somewhere down the road!

Not going to say never ever never make trades in the division or with yearly contenders or trophy holders, just you wanna be prudent in how you try and deal with those folks. Again , like poker, sure you want the guy at the table with the biggest chip stack. But you don't wanna be going all in drawing gutshot on the inside straight when he is holding the nut flush in his hand already.

Re: Playing fair and ethically

By tosu
8/04/2016 12:13 pm
For being a newbie, you seem to have a lot of experience you are calling upon, and have some deep set opinions that only come about from experience. Hmmm...

Re: Playing fair and ethically

By CooterBrown
8/04/2016 10:31 pm
Well, guess I am not totally a rookie. In 3rd season in my first league, finishing 2nd season in league 2, and starting 2nd season in my 3rd league. But I don't think I have the depth or breadth of knowledge like a few of you folks have as seasoned vets with multi plus seasons in serious contenders. Am trying maybe. But was only tossing in 2 cents worth on the topic. Would not take my humble comments as gospel, trust me!