Hey all. So as you know, I delayed the spin by a day to get something figured out before moving forward. The issue was regarding WR Aurelio Smith, who was offered a max contract but had a bit more money added to the base value of his contract (the non-bonus part). We had a rule a while back in this league regarding manipulating bonus money in max contracts like these as seen in this thread
https://ncaa-football.myfootballnow.com/forums/1/1105?page=1. However, given the fact that the rule did not specifically state base money, as well as the fact that other owners have been doing this recently too, I have decided to expand the longstanding rule to include both base and bonus manipulation for max contracts but let this signing occur since it was not an explicit rule. To clarify, this means that in future contracts, if offering a max contract, you cannot change base or bonus values to be higher than the max allowed by the sliders. This will allow for good competition when signing the top tier players since a max contract allows everyone who bid one a chance at the player.
When offering the max 6 year contract this offseason, the money cannot be larger than this:
Year: Base: Bonus:
1 6,548,624 19,645,871
2 6,876,056 19,645,871
3 7,219,859 19,645,871
4 7,580,852 19,645,871
5 7,959,895 19,645,871
6 8,357,890 19,645,871
These values will obviously change year to year based on the rising salary cap, but the point still stands. I know multiple owners have tried to manually make it higher than this, so from now on, the rule is in plain sight for everyone to observe. I appreciate everyone's understanding and cooperation, and I'm looking forward to the draft (July 25-26)!
Last edited at 7/17/2020 10:14 am